Marathon to Hawaii — Day 3

January 22, 2017 Paul Groves

Day 19 of 111. Halfway to Hawaii

Marathon to Hawaii–Day 3
Ron has successfully completed the third day of the marathon (20 laps around the ship). Paul is only doing a half-marathon (10 laps per day). Walking this morning was very interesting because there was some rain off the starboard side, but the sun was shining was on the port side so there was a pretty rainbow off toward the horizon. Unfortunately, my photo did not do the rainbow justice. My latest watercolor project involved a cute little tropical bird. We were practicing our backgrounds and developing the shape of the object with the shape of the feathers.

One interesting aspect of the is trip is the fact that we are changing time zones every couple of days. We drop back an hour each time. This is somewhat troubling with our phones and AppleWatches because we are not connected to the internet. I need to find a city in the desired time zone. Right now I am on Anchorage, Alaska, time. My next change will probably be Honolulu.

Crossing the Pacific has been a little problematic because there are storms to the north of us. The swells of the ocean are significant enough that seasick bags have been hung near the elevators. Also, when you leave the dining room, you can get a small napkin of ginger candy which is supposed to help. Luckily, Ron and I have not been greatly affected. Walking with a plate of food or bowl of soup is somewhat challenging and I tried to take a dance class (the Foxtrot) which proved interesting when the floor kept tilting. Life is full of challenges, isn’t it?

The other photo is what we look like on Gala Nights. We change right after dinner.