July 10 - 13, 2018
Pike High School, Indianapolis, IN


  • Tyler DeWitt--Hydrogen Bonding & Common Mistakes -- This is a video suggested by one of the participants.  Tyler has many other videos as well for chemistry.
  • Prof Dave -- Katie shared this resource.  She says that "this guy is awesome. Here’s a video I use all the time."
  • PTable.com -- This site shows a periodic table and as you move over the elements you can see the atomic orbitals and even the orbital diagram.  Pretty cool.
  • Finger Beam Lights -- These were suggested as an alternative way to do the ROYGBV demonstration as a student-centered labette.  They cost about $8 per dozen (a dozen sets of lights.)  Anna reported that you can find them on Amazon.com as well.
  • Khan Academy -- Chris sent me this link for the AP chemistry resources on Khan Academy.
  • The Poisoner's Handbook --Michelle Salomon spoke about this video in class.  It is from the PBS series, The American Experience.  The movie is 1:52:42 in length.  There are worksheets that students can do with the movie if you google it or you could have them do projects related to the substances discussed.
  • Desmos,com -- A free graphing utility online.  I found the following YouTube Video by a physics teacher using the graph for best fit lines helpful for total beginners, like me.
  • Flinn's Free Resources -- Flinn has made many videos of demonstrations that are available on their site for free.  I'm not sure of a reliable way to find them, but they are there.  In addition to chemical demonstrations, there are downloadable .pdf's giving instructions as well.  There are great ideas here.
  • Ben Ku's Web Site -- I only mentioned Mr. Ku about a hundred times during the APSI.  Here is a link to his web site where he has links to the videos that accompany the Honors and AP curriculum.
  • Large Post-It Notes -- Here is the link to popping.com where those huge post-it type notes were purchased.  They stuck really nicely to the glass.  I have found in my classroom that they don't stick as well to the walls.  They stick nicely to a clean white board, however.
  • AP Supports 2019 -- Here is the link for the College Board web site describing the new supports that will be available for the 2019-2020 school year.  This includes the AP Test Bank, Unit Guides, etc.
  • Extreme Glow Nightsticks -- Here is the company where I purchased those bright, short-lived light sticks for the kinetics demonstration.  You need to purchase quite a few (100) to get free shipping.  Remember, when they quote a price like $8.50 each, they are talking about a bag of 10 nightsticks.  Keep them in the refrigerator to make them last longer.
  • ROYGBV Demo Information -- Here is specific information about the demonstration with the theatrical gels (cellophane) which is an analogy for the photoelectric effect.
    Roscolux Rx25 (Lt. Red) -- (this leaks a little)
    Roscolux Rx22 (Deep Amber)
    Roscolux Rx10 (Med. Yellow)
    [Note: I put some of the Med. Yellow behind the Red and Orange windows, too.]
    Roscolux Rx 389 (Chroma Green)
    Roscolux Rx 68 (Sky Blue)
    Roscolux Rx48 (Rose Purple)
    I mentioned that there are sample booklets that contain a small sample (1.75" x 3.25")  of each gel from this company.  You can find them online by following the link at the beginning of this note. I did a Google search for "Roscolux sample book" and found several sources.  The least expensive one ($1.50) is the one I linked above.  They also sell sample books with 3" x 6" samples for about $25.
Dave Tippey, Michelle Miller, Monica Lohmuller, Jeremy Long
Dave Tippey, Michelle Miller, Monica Lohmuller, Jeremy Long
Chris Ludy, Matt Payne, Sherri Bryant, Katie Kozinski
Chris Ludy, Matt Payne, Sherri Bryant, Katie Kozinski
Ryan Keller, Anna Sluka, Jessica Small-Summers, Clark Mumaw
Ryan Keller, Anna Sluka, Jessica Small-Summers, Clark Mumaw
Jackie "Stew" Stewart, Laura Cummings, Barb Runyon, Mike Slys
Jackie "Stew" Stewart, Laura Cummings, Barb Runyon, Mike Slys
Michele Salomon, Frank Porras, Joni Hornaday
Michele Salomon, Frank Porras, Joni Hornaday
Amber Dippo
Amber Dippo

Sherri BryantCardinal Ritter High Schoolsbryant@cardinalritter.org
Laura CummingsHerron High Schoollcummings@herronhighschool.org
Amber DippoMorgan Township High Schoolamber.dippo@eastporter.k12.in.us
Joni HornadayGreenfield-Central High School jhornaday@gcsc.k12.in.us
Ryan KellerLawrence Central HSryankeller@msdlt.k12.in.us
Katie KozinskiAvon High SchoolKAKozinski@avon-schools.org
Monica LohmullerBenton Central HSmlohmuller@benton.k12.in.us
Jeremy LongWhiting High Schooljlong@scwschools.org
Chris LudyPike High Schoolcludy@pike.k12.in.us
Michelle MillerRensselaer Central HSmichelle.miller@rensselaerschools.org
Clark MumawNew Albany H.S.cmumaw@nafcs.k12.in.us
Matthew PayneAvon High Schoolmrpayne@avon-schools.org
Frank PorrasEast Chicago Central H.S.fporras@ecps.org
Barb RunyonClinton Central Jr-Sr High Schoolbarb.runyon@clinton.k12.in.us
Michelle SalomonValparaiso High Schoolmsalomon@valpo.k12.in.us
Anna SlukaProvidence Cristo Rey HSasluka@pcrhs.org
Mike SlysKouts HSmichael.slys@eastporter.k12.in.us
Jessica Small-SummersMilan High Schooljessica.smallsummers@milan.k12.in.us
Jackie StewartQuincy Senior High Schoolstewarja@qps.org
Dave TippeyMarion High Schooldtippey@marion.k12.in.us