AP by the Sea
June 17 - 20, 2019
University of San Diego, San Diego, CA


  • Chemistry Mahjong -- Nathan told me about this program for practicing chemicals (ions?).  It requires Adobe Flash to run and I could not get this to work on my computer, but I pass it along.
  • ELEMENTS App -- There is an iPhone and iPad app called "U. S. Army STARS Elements" that has some fun and simple activities and games.
  • Photo Below -- This is the periodic table in Christina Buck's classroom using the same method as the holiday ornaments.  Very impressive.
  • Balloons, Hybrid Orbitals and Multiple Bonds -- This link was shared by Enyonam Akondo (N-U-NAM) as a resource related to our discussion of hybridization and multiple bonds where long balloons are used to illustrate pi-bonds.
  • Ben Ku's Web Site -- I only mentioned Mr. Ku about a hundred times during the APSI.  Here is a link to his web site.  There are pull-down menus that give access to many of the handouts in his AP curriculum.  Moreover, he has organized my tutorials according to his teaching units.
  • Large Post-It Notes -- Here is the link to popping.com where those huge post-it type notes were purchased.  They stuck really nicely to the glass.  I have found in my classroom that they don't stick as well to the walls.  They stick nicely to a clean white board, however.
  • AP Supports 2019 -- Here is the link for the College Board web site describing the new supports that will be available for the 2019-2020 school year.  This includes the AP Test Bank, Unit Guides, etc.
  • Extreme Glow Nightsticks -- Here is the company where I purchased those bright, short-lived light sticks for the kinetics demonstration.  You need to purchase quite a few (100) to get free shipping.  Remember, when they quote a price like $8.50 each, they are talking about a bag of 10 nightsticks.  Keep them in the refrigerator to make them last longer.
  • ROYGBV Demo Information -- Here is specific information about the demonstration with the theatrical gels (cellophane) which is an analogy for the photoelectric effect.
    Roscolux Rx25 (Lt. Red) -- (this leaks a little)
    Roscolux Rx22 (Deep Amber)
    Roscolux Rx10 (Med. Yellow)
    [Note: I put some of the Med. Yellow behind the Red and Orange windows, too.]
    Roscolux Rx 389 (Chroma Green)
    Roscolux Rx 68 (Sky Blue)
    Roscolux Rx48 (Rose Purple)
    I mentioned that there are sample booklets that contain a small sample (1.75" x 3.25")  of each gel from this company.  You can find them online by following the link at the beginning of this note. I did a Google search for "Roscolux sample book" and found several sources.  The least expensive one ($1.50) is the one I linked above.  They also sell sample books with 3" x 6" samples for about $25.
Maria RIckard, Colleen Robinson, Christina Buck, Jorge Valdivieso
Maria RIckard, Colleen Robinson, Christina Buck, Jorge Valdivieso
Michelle Cote, Jennifer Donohue, Candace Haudenschild, Jade Laygo
Michelle Cote, Jennifer Donohue, Candace Haudenschild, Jade Laygo
Enyonam Akondo, J.P. Francoisse, Brian Kiffe, Nathan Macy
Enyonam Akondo, J.P. Francoisse, Brian Kiffe, Nathan Macy
Connie Sutliff, Alison Valentine, Kim Hall-Heide, Andrew Kempiak
Connie Sutliff, Alison Valentine, Kim Hall-Heide, Andrew Kempiak
Elizabeth Vargas, Nausheen Choudhury, Louie Luu, Kevin Przyswitt
Elizabeth Vargas, Nausheen Choudhury, Louie Luu, Kevin Przyswitt
Periodic Table in Christina Buck's classroom.
Periodic Table in Christina Buck's classroom.

Enyonam AkondoClovis East Highmaxqun@gmail.com
Christina BuckCalabasas High Schoolcbuck@lvusd.org
Nausheen ChoudhuryBirmingham Community Charter High Schooln.choudhury@birminghamcharter.com
Michelle CoteMurrieta Valley Highmcote@murrieta.k12.ca.us
Jennifer DonohueRancho Mirage Highjdonohue@psusd.us
J.P FrancoisseDesert Hot Springs High Schooljfrancoisse@psusd.us
Kim Hall-HeideMontclair Highkim.heide@cjuhsd.net
Candace HaudenschildLakewood High Schoolchaudenschild@laca.org
Andrew KempiakHealdsburg Highakempiak@husd.com
Brian KiffeHenry Highbkiffe@sandi.net
Jade LaygoSummit Highlaygja@fusd.net
Louis LuuKaiser High Schoolluulou@fusd.net
Nathan MacyEastside High Schoolnmacy@avhsd.org
Kristina MitchellHelix Charter High Schoolmitchell@helixcharter.net
Kevin PrzyswittStrathcona High Schoolkevin.przyswitt@epsb.ca
Maria RickardBuhach Colony High Schoolmrickard@muhsd.org
Colleen RobinsonHelix Charter High Schoolrobinson@helixcharter.net
Connie SutliffWoodcreek High Schoolcsutliff@rjuhsd.us
Jorge ValdiviesoSan Marcos High Schoolvaldiviesoj@aol.com
Alison ValentineSanta Catalina Schoola.h.valent214@gmail.com
Elizabeth VargasWestern Center Academyevargas@hemetusd.org