AP by the Sea
June 20 - 24, 2016
University of San Diego, San Diego, CA
- Science with Tyler DeWitt -- Tyler has a collection of YouTube videos on chemistry that are well done. Dave Swaney recommends this site.
- Chemical Party -- Here is a strange, but interesting YouTube video recommended by Emily Hoadley.
- www.fitzpatrickfarm.com -- Dan Fitzpatrick is a fourth generation farmer and bee-keeper. Here is his website. He says he will update his science links when he gets to a place with better internet. The next two resources are sites that he recommends.
- Mark Rosengarten Chemistry Songs -- Dan likes this guy's chemistry songs, especially the one about "I Heart Electron Configuration" that deals with s, p, d, f orbital filling.
- I Heart Electron Configuration -- One of Mark Ronsengarten's chemistry song videos. It is about s, p, d & f orbitals.
- Ben Ku's Web Site -- I only mentioned Mr. Ku about a hundred times during the APSI. Here is a link to his web site.
- FlinnPREP AP Chemistry Course -- We saw the short video describing Flinn Scientific's AP Prep Course for students. An individual license for the course is $19.95. It gets even more affordable if you buy for multiple students. I don't know anyone who has had any experience yet with the course.
- Large Post-It Notes -- Here is the link to popping.com where those huge post-it type notes were purchased. They stuck really nicely to the glass. I have found in my classroom that they don't stick as well to the walls. They stick nicely to a clean white board, however.
- PASCO Link -- Here is the link for the three things from PASCO. If you sign up with them, they will send you a .pdf file of their PASCO-POGIL Lab Manual, a code to get $100 off of an order of $200 or more, and a chance to win 8 wireless temperature probes.
- Extreme Glow Nightsticks -- Here is the company where I purchased those bright, short-lived light sticks for the kinetics demonstration. You need to purchase quite a few (100) to get free shipping. Remember, when they quote a price like $8.50 each, they are talking about a bag of 10 nightsticks. Keep them in the refrigerator to make them last longer.
- Chemist Nate -- Emily Hadley says, here is a guy I use sometimes on youtube, Chemist Nate. He's a bit whacky to watch but works out problems in an understandable way. This link is for a video on how he explains ICE tables.
- Electrochemistry POGIL Handout -- Danielle Mesa mentioned a good electrochemical worksheet that she uses that is a POGIL activity and involves using an online simulation of making electrochemical cells so students can discover the differences in Reduction Potential. It uses the kentchemistry website.
- Flinn's Tin Man Video -- This video shows Bob Becker doing a demonstration where he is creating beautiful tin metal crystals by the electrolysis of tin(II) chloride.

Mark Turner, Dan Fitzpatrick, Scott Estrada, Danny Diamond

Denise Yoak, Esther Han, Emily Hoadley, Jim Poirier

Savannah Addy, Dave Swaney, Melissa Lozano, Al(exandra) Cavell

Paul Phillips, Chelsea Cubert, Jorge Rodriguez, Paul Thaler
(I'm using the photo with names because Paul Thaler is smiling.)

Tania Darnton

Joshua Hill, Lauren Petersen, Danielle Mesa
Name | School | |
Savannah Addy | West Hills High School | saddy@guhsd.net |
Alexandra Cavell | Ramona High School | acavell@ramonausd.net |
Chelsea Culbert | Alliance Susan and Eric Smidt Technology High School | cculbert@laalliance.org |
Tania Darnton | Viewpoint School | tania.darnton@viewpoint.org |
Danny Diamond | Carpinteria HS | ddiamond@cusd.net |
Scott Estrada | Otay Ranch HS | scott.estrada@sweetwaterschools.org |
Dan Fitzpatrick | St. Bede | stbedescience@gmail.com |
Esther Han | Valhalla High School | estherkangkang@gmail.com |
Joshua Hill | Mar Vista High | Mr.HillJ@gmail.com |
Emily Hoadley | Skyline High School | hoademil@d91.k12.id.us |
Melizza Lozano | Eastlake High School | Melizzalozano@icloud.com |
Danielle Mesa | Olympian High School | danielle.mesa@sweetwaterschools.org |
Lauren Petersen | Montgomery High School | lauren.petersen@sweetwaterschools.org |
Paul Phillips | Capital High School | philman13@hotmail.com |
Jim Poirier | la jolla high school | jpoirier9@aol.com |
Jorge Rodriguez | Jordan High School | jorge.e.rodriguez@lausd.net |
Dave Swaney | Silver Valley High | flavord@gmail.com |
Paul Thaler | Santa Susana High School | paul.thaler@simivalleyusd.org |
Mark Turner | Birmingham Charter | m.turner@birminghamcharter.com |
Denise Yoak | Valhalla High School | dyoak@guhsd.net |