July 12 - 15, 2016
Pike High School, Indianapolis, IN


  • Ben Ku's Web Site -- I only mentioned Mr. Ku about a hundred times during the APSI.  Here is a link to his web site.
  • FlinnPREP AP Chemistry Course -- We saw the short video describing Flinn Scientific's AP Prep Course for students.  An individual license for the course is $19.95.  It gets even more affordable if you buy for multiple students.  I don't know anyone who has had any experience yet with the course.
  • Large Post-It Notes -- Here is the link to popping.com where those huge post-it type notes were purchased.  They stuck really nicely to the glass.  I have found in my classroom that they don't stick as well to the walls.  They stick nicely to a clean white board, however.
  • PASCO Link -- Here is the link for the three things from PASCO.  If you sign up with them, they will send you a .pdf file of their PASCO-POGIL Lab Manual, a code to get $100 off of an order of $200 or more, and a chance to win 8 wireless temperature probes.
  • Extreme Glow Nightsticks -- Here is the company where I purchased those bright, short-lived light sticks for the kinetics demonstration.  You need to purchase quite a few (100) to get free shipping.  Remember, when they quote a price like $8.50 each, they are talking about a bag of 10 nightsticks.  Keep them in the refrigerator to make them last longer.
  • Article About Studying -- One of the keys to success is for students to understand that practicing problems and self-testing is of more value than re-reading material or watching more videos.  This short article (from Glasgow) helps explain why some common study techniques do not work.
  • Orbitron -- Here is the web site shared in class from Sheffield University.  You can show different orbitals (including "g" orbitals).
  • CALM (Computer Assisted Learning Method) -- Indiana University has a free homework service for teachers.  Some of the teachers in the group use it and say, while it is not perfect, it is good.  It generates different questions for each student which reduces copying.
  • Science Express -- Sign up with these guys and they can bring instrumentation to your school for use in your classroom.
  • LabArchives (ELN) -- Anna was telling us about this ELN (Electronic Lab Notebook) web site.  Students can keep all of their lab write-ups electronically.
  • Donors Choose -- This site allows you to do fund-raising for projects such as getting probeware or other educational projects.  Duke Energy here in Indiana contributes to educational projects.
  • Make It Stick - The Science of Successful Learning -- A good book that Keiko recommends about study techniques that will help students learn.
  • Organic Self-Study Assignment -- (In the Extras folder on Dropbox)  Kristen is sharing three handouts she uses with her students as an independent study of Organic Chemistry.  These are designed to go along with the Crash Course in Chemistry series of videos, beginning with Video #40.
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James Megenhardt, Katie Griffith, Matt Payne, Mike Slater
James Megenhardt, Katie Griffith, Matt Payne, Mike Slater
Chad Musselman, Anna Sluka, Eben Blay, Angie Parmer
Chad Musselman, Anna Sluka, Eben Blay, Angie Parmer
Amy Schreiber-Roan, Shaun Wines, Don Dyck, Kim Zook
Amy Schreiber-Roan, Shaun Wines, Don Dyck, Kim Zook
Lou Lopez, Linda Wilson, Keiko Leonard, Kim Holifield
Lou Lopez, Linda Wilson, Keiko Leonard, Kim Holifield
Kristen Baker, Sherri Bryant, Stacy Snoble
Kristen Baker, Sherri Bryant, Stacy Snoble
Phil Kirk, Cindie Fidanza, Rebecca Brayfield, Mike Dollens
Phil Kirk, Cindie Fidanza, Rebecca Brayfield, Mike Dollens
Cassandra Sandvick, Olivia Schaffner, Chis Ludy, Shannon Smith
Cassandra Sandvick, Olivia Schaffner, Chis Ludy, Shannon Smith

Kristen BakerFranklin Central High Schoolkristen.baker@ftcsc.k12.in.us
Ebenezer BlaySidney High Schoolebenezer.blay@sidneycityschools.org
Rebecca BrayfieldTwin Lakes High Schoolrbrayfield@twinlakes.k12.in.us
Sherri BryantCardinal Ritter High Schoolsbryant@cardinalritter.org
Michael DollensLebanon High Schooldollensm@leb.k12.in.us
Don DyckWhitko High Schooldon.dyck@whitko.org
Cindie FidanzaGilmour Academyfidanzac@gilmour.org
Katie GriffithAvon High SchoolKagriffith@avon-schools.org
Kim HolifieldNew Prairie High Schoolkholifield@npusc.k12.in.us
Phillip KirkFairborn High Schoolpkirk@fairborn.k12.oh.us
Keiko LeonardRiley High Schoolkduff@sbcsc.k12.in.us
Luis LopezMerrilliville High Schoolllopez@mvsc.k12.in.us
Chris LudyPike High Schoolcludy@pike.k12.in.us
James MegenhardtSt. Elmo School Districtjmegenhardt@stelmo.org
Chad MusselmanCentennial High Schoolmusselra@u4sd.org
Angie ParmerNorth Decatur High Schoolaparmer@decaturco.k12.in.us
Matthew PayneAvon High Schoolmrpayne@avon-schools.org
Cassandra SandvickWayne High Schoolcassandra.sandvick@gmail.com
Olivia SchaffnerEdgerton High Schooloschaffner@edgertonschools.org
Amy Schreiber-Roan New Palestine High School aschreiberroan@newpal.k12.in.us
Alan ShrebtienkoJeffersonville High Schoolashrebtienko@gcs.k12.in.us
Michael SlaterTurkey Run Jr/Sr HSslaterm@ncp.k12.in.us
Anna SlukaProvidence Cristo Rey HSasluka@pcrhs.org
Shannon SmithLowell High Schoolssmith@tricreek.k12.in.us
Stacy SnobleFrontier High Schoolstacy.snoble@frontier.k12.in.us
Linda WilsonNorthwestern High Schoollinda.wilson@nwsc.k12.in.us
Shaun WinesClinton Prairie High Schoolsewines@cpsc.k12.in.us
Kimberly ZookMooresville High Schoolskimberly.zook@mooresvilleschools.org