AP in the OC
July 22 - 25, 2019
Beckman High School, Irvine, CA
- What the Student Will See -- Here are two short College Board videos about the new AP Classroom.
- What the Teacher Will See -- Here are two short College Board videos about the new AP Classroom.
- Orbital Music Video -- Here is a short (1:37) video that shows the s, p, and d orbitals and then overlaps them all at the end. Nice.
- AP with WE Service -- AP has joined with WE Charities to encourage students to do community service as part of their AP curriculum. WE has projects around the world, but these AP service projects sound more local... helping local food banks, etc. A WE Day is a huge rally to celebrate WE projects that have taken place in the area... kind of a Rally.
- Intermolecular Forces "Magic" Trick -- This demonstration using newspaper, rubber cement, and baby powder sounds like a great way to introduce or supplement a discussion of intermolecular forces. This is one of the many ideas posted by Flinn Scientific.
- BeyondBenign.org -- This is a group that has re-worked chemistry labs to make them more "green". This might be another great resource for labs.
- Tyler DeWitt--Hydrogen Bonding & Common Mistakes -- Tyler has a low-tech, deliberate style that might work well for some students. Tyler has many other videos as well for chemistry. A good one is on Galvanic Cells.
- Living by Chemistry -- This textbook has many resources that are useful for analogies (the polar bear and penguin "sharing" an ice cream cone for hydrogen bonding) and real-world applications of chemistry.
- AACT -- The American Association of Chemistry Teachers is hosting a webinar by the AP Chemistry Chief Reader, Paul Bonvallet, on September 5, at 7:00 p.m. (ET). The title is "Lessons Learned from the 2019 AP Chemistry Exam". You need to be a member to register for this webinar, but this talk and many others are available on the AACT website and the registration is only $50/year.
- Flinn's Free Resources -- Flinn has made many videos of demonstrations that are available on their site for free. To find them go to Browse by Category (near the top left of their main page) > Resources > Chemistry > Chemical Demonstrations. In addition to chemical demonstrations, there are downloadable .pdf's giving instructions as well. There are great ideas here.
- Ben Ku's Web Site -- I only mentioned Mr. Ku about a hundred times during the APSI. Here is a link to his web site where he has links to the videos that accompany the Honors and AP curriculum.
- Large Post-It Notes -- Here is the link to popping.com where those huge post-it type notes were purchased. They stuck really nicely to the glass. I have found in my classroom that they don't stick as well to the walls. They stick nicely to a clean white board, however.
- PES Webcast -- Here is a link to a page with Jamie Benigna's presentation about PES. This presentation uses Flash which may cause a problem on some computer systems.
- AP Supports 2019 -- Here is the link for the College Board web site describing the new supports that will be available for the 2019-2020 school year. This includes the AP Test Bank, Unit Guides, etc.
- Extreme Glow Lightsticks -- Here is the company where I purchased those bright, short-lived light sticks for the kinetics demonstration. You need to purchase quite a few (100) to get free shipping. Remember, when they quote a price like $8.50 each, they are talking about a bag of 10 nightsticks. Keep them in the refrigerator to make them last longer.
- ROYGBV Demo Information -- Here is specific information about the demonstration with the theatrical gels (cellophane) which is an analogy for the photoelectric effect.
Roscolux Rx25 (Lt. Red) -- (this leaks a little)
Roscolux Rx22 (Deep Amber)
Roscolux Rx10 (Med. Yellow)
[Note: I put some of the Med. Yellow behind the Red and Orange windows, too.]
Roscolux Rx 389 (Chroma Green)
Roscolux Rx 68 (Sky Blue)
Roscolux Rx48 (Rose Purple)
I mentioned that there are sample booklets that contain a small sample (1.75" x 3.25") of each gel from this company. You can find them online by following the link at the beginning of this note. I did a Google search for "Roscolux sample book" and found several sources. The least expensive one ($1.50) is the one I linked above. They also sell sample books with 3" x 6" samples for about $25.

Christian Fabian, Agnes Faltas, Trish Tillotson, David Fick

Roger Rouire, Raul Pena, Marifi Doculan, Jamie Bascom

Yvette Luna, Kimberly Herness, Sarah Peraza, Mystery Man, Vicenca Rechsteiner

Name | School | |
Jamie Bascom | Miramonte High School | JBascom@auhsdschools.org |
Marifi Doculan | Marianas High School | marifi.doculan@cnmipss.org |
Blake Douglas | San Jacinto High School | bdouglas@sanjacinto.k12.ca.us |
Christian Fabian | La Quinta High School | cfabian@ggusd.us |
Agnes Faltas | Mater Dei High School | afaltas@materdei.org |
David Fick | Jserra Catholic High School | dfick@jserra.org |
Kimberly Herness | Aquinas High School | kherness@aquinashs.net |
Christine Ivory | Foothill High School | civory@tustin.k12.ca.us |
Yvette Luna | Riverside STEM High School | yluna@rusdlearns.net |
Raul Pena | La Mirada High School | rpena@nlmusd.k12.ca.us |
Sarah Peraza | St. Joseph High School | speraza@sj-jester.org |
Sean Phi | Loara High School | phi_s@auhsd.us |
Vicenca Rechsteiner | Granger High School | vrechsteiner@graniteschools.org |
Roger Rouire | Shaftesbury High School | rrouire@pembinatrails.ca |
Kimberly Tafoya | Fillmore High School | ktafoya@fillmoreusd.org |
Trish Tillotson | Mater Dei High School | ttillotson@materdei.org |