June 27 - 30, 2016
Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX


  • Ben Ku's Web Site -- I only mentioned Mr. Ku about a hundred times during the APSI.  Here is a link to his web site.
  • FlinnPREP AP Chemistry Course -- We saw the short video describing Flinn Scientific's AP Prep Course for students.  An individual license for the course is $19.95.  It gets even more affordable if you buy for multiple students.  I don't know anyone who has had any experience yet with the course.
  • Large Post-It Notes -- Here is the link to popping.com where those huge post-it type notes were purchased.  They stuck really nicely to the glass.  I have found in my classroom that they don't stick as well to the walls.  They stick nicely to a clean white board, however.
  • PASCO Link -- Here is the link for the three things from PASCO.  If you sign up with them, they will send you a .pdf file of their PASCO-POGIL Lab Manual, a code to get $100 off of an order of $200 or more, and a chance to win 8 wireless temperature probes.
  • Extreme Glow Nightsticks -- Here is the company where I purchased those bright, short-lived light sticks for the kinetics demonstration.  You need to purchase quite a few (100) to get free shipping.  Remember, when they quote a price like $8.50 each, they are talking about a bag of 10 nightsticks.  Keep them in the refrigerator to make them last longer.
  • IR Thermometers -- We used the handheld infrared thermometer with the Ice Melting Blocks for thermodynamics.  One participant found a great deal on Tanga.com, a shopping site.  When I went back to find it, that deal was gone.  Amazon.com had various versions of them.  Search for IR Thermometers in the Home & Kitchen category.
  • NAS -- Dean said he has had a lot of luck teaching students how to write Lewis dot structures using the NAS method.  NAS means "Needed - Available - Shared".  I've put a link to a YouTube video about the NAS method.
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Long Tran, David (Bobby) Claxton , Jennifer Hicks, Judy Bullard
Long Tran, David (Bobby) Claxton , Jennifer Hicks, Judy Bullard
Eddy Baute, Christopher Edgar, Laurissa McCormick, Ryan Burgard
Eddy Baute, Christopher Edgar, Laurissa McCormick, Ryan Burgard
Debra Reavis, Christine de la Torre, Katie McBroom, Iliana Cano
Debra Reavis, Christine de la Torre, Katie McBroom, Iliana Cano
John Rong, Dean Mooney, Tami Wilkinson, Stefanie Hentschel
John Rong, Dean Mooney, Tami Wilkinson, Stefanie Hentschel
Paolo Galvan, Ethan Inmon, Sharma Alzubi, Matthew Wallace
Paolo Galvan, Ethan Inmon, Sharma Alzubi, Matthew Wallace
Barbara Lightfoot, Gerardo Gonzalez-Diaz, Lisa Mosier
Barbara Lightfoot, Gerardo Gonzalez-Diaz, Lisa Mosier

Shayma AlzubiCarter Riverside High Schoolshaymaalzubi@gmail.com
Eddy BauteNorth Side High Schooleddy.baute@fwisd.org
Judith BullardBrewer High Schooljbullard@wsisd.net
Ryan BurgardThrall High School rburgard@thrallisd.org
Iliana CanoColegio Interamericano de Guatemalailiana.cano@interamericano.edu.gt
David (Bobby) ClaxtonEaton High Schooldclaxton@nisdtx.org
Christine de la TorreCrockett High Schoolchristine.delatorre@austinisd.org
Christopher EdgarVandegrift High Schoolchristopher.edgar@leanderisd.org
Paulo GalvanCastleberry High Schoolgeorocks30@gmail.com
Gerardo Gonzalez-DiazInternational Leadership of Texas Keller High Schoolgerardo.g.diaz@gmail.com
Stefanie HentschelRed Oak High Schoolstefanie.hentschel@redoakisd.org
Jennifer HicksBridgeport High Schooljhicks@bridgeportisd.net
Ethan InmonRopes High Schoolethan.inmon@outlook.com
Barbara LightfootKrum High Schoolbarbara.lightfoot@krumisd.net
Katie McBroomKennedale High Schoolmcbroomk@kisdtx.net
Laurissa McCormickWeatherford High Schoollmccormick@weatherfordisd.com
Dean MooneyAubrey High Schooltmooney@aubreyisd.net
Lisa MosierByron Nelson High Schoollmosier@nisdtx.org
Debra ReavisFlorence High Schooldreavis@florenceisd.net
John RongBowie High Schooljrong@aisd.net
Long TranPaschal High Schoollong.tran@fwisd.org
Matthew WallaceCentennial High Schoolmatthewwallace12@gmail.com
Tami WilkinsonAndrews High Schooltwilkinson@andrews.esc18.net